Hireimmigrants.ca webinar: Expression of Interest–Canada’s Proposal to Recruit Immigrant Talent and its Implications for Employers

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New Webinar:
Expression of Interest-Canada’s Proposal to Recruit Immigrant Talent and its Implications for Employers

November 28, 2013

In the near future, Canada plans to adopt a new model of immigrant selection for federal skilled workers (FSW) known as the ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) system. EOI willl provide employers with a far greater role in selecting new immigrants.

In this webinar employers will find out more from two policy experts Francis Fong and Josh Hjartarson along with Ratna Omidvar of Maytree on how the EOI may work and the impact it will have on employers sourcing immigrant talent. Will this new selection system benefit both the Canadian economy and immigrants? Find out in this webinar.

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (EST)

To register for the webinar, please click here.

Francis Fong, Economist, TD Economics
Josh Hjartarson, Vice-President, Policy & Government Relations,
Ontario Chamber of Commerce

Ratna Omidvar, President, Maytree

The proposed Expression of Interest model will make changes to the selection of skilled immigrants that might include:

  • Engaging employers in a more direct relationship in the selection of skilled immigrants;
  • Providing employers with a pool of pre-qualified skilled immigrants to select from;
  • Speeding up the processing time of applications so labour market shortages can be filled quickly.

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