The OLIP Council is committed to leadership.  In only a few years, we have a common vision and priorities, and are up to the task of implementing the Ottawa Immigration Strategy.

Salimatou Diallo
OLIP Council Vice Chair, Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario
The WOW seminar on immigrant women’s nutrition and health was a step in the right direction towards closing the gap between academic researchers and service providers.

Josephine Etowa
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
The target beneficiary of the work of OLIP is the whole community. In this short period we have planted together important seeds for Ottawa’s development.  

Dick Stewart
OLIP Council
I’m really impressed with the level of energy and commitment around the Health and Wellbeing table and look forward to continuing collaboration between OLIP and OPH.

Marcela Tapia
Ottawa Public Health
I was happy to see integration to Algonquin territory and indigenous culture related programming in 2014 WOW. Please continue to involve local Aboriginal organisations and…

Linda Manning
WOW 2014 participant, Senior Fellow, University of Ottawa
Canada has been shaped by people who came from all over the world to build this country. WOW offers a platform for us to celebrate this history and the future it will help…

Alex Munter, Chair of the OLIP Council and President and CEO of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre
In our city’s history, immigrants have always played an important role. They build our economic prosperity, diversify our culture, contribute to our social vitality.

Jim Watson
Mayor of Ottawa
My nomination is an indication that our hard work in building Canada is recognized. All we do is to serve the community in return for embracing us when we needed it.  

Mehdi Mahdavi
Ottawa Immigrant Entrepreneurship Awards Nominee
OLIP helps to unite and share scarce resources for greater impact by working together in the field of student education.

Walter Piovesan
Associate Director of Education, Ottawa Carleton District School Board
The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre is so happy to have joined the OLIP Health and Wellbeing Sector Table. It is clear that OLIP cares about immigrants and refugees and…

Wendy Tang, Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre

Welcoming Ottawa Week 2015

Welcome to the 2015 WOW Portal! Here you can find what is new and exciting about the 3rd annual WOW, information about the planned events and our list of community sponsors.

We use #2015WOW, #2015SAO, #Ottawa, #CndImm and @OLIP-PLIO on social media to post about 2015 WOW.

Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) is an annual, week-long series of dialogues, cultural and celebratory events, sports activities, documentary screenings, and other fun events designed to convey the genuine welcome and hospitality of Ottawans to newcomers, while providing opportunities for quality interactions between residents, old and new. To learn more about WOW please click here.

News Release (21 June 2015)

2015 WOW Ambassadors

2015 WOW Contributors

2015 Public Service Announcement (PSA) (26 May 2015)

Read the 2015 WOW Evaluation Report

Read the Frequently Asked Questions about 2015 WOW 




2015 WOW Chairs

Louisa_web_2090SarahOatCHUOTwo well-known Ottawa immigrant champions – Louisa Taylor and Sarah Onyango are the honorary Co-Chairs of the 2015 WOW Campaign. Together they will promote WOW initiatives throughout the week of June 22-28. The planned events and discussions are expected to increase awareness and leverage creative solutions for overcoming the remaining challenges in welcoming and integrating immigrants into our community. To read the biographies of Louisa Taylor and Sarah Onyango and to find out what inspired them to chair 2015 WOW, please click here.


2015 WOW Calendar of Events

We have an exciting lineup of events for you during the Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) of June 22nd – 28th.


8:00 am – 12:30 pm 

Marriott Hotel, Victoria Ballroom,100 Kent, Ottawa

 The 3rd Biannual Ottawa Immigration Forum 

OLIP and the City of Ottawa are pleased to co-host the 3rd (now biannual) Ottawa Immigration Forum. This year’s Ottawa Immigration Forum will address the theme: Moving Forward on Our Vision | Building on our Accomplishments. Forum attendees will:

• Learn about OLIP partners’ cumulative progress towards our shared vision, since the launch of the Ottawa Immigration Strategy in June 2011.

• Reflect with experts on our current environment.

• Contribute ideas on the way forward on selected areas of planned action by OLIP partners.

For more information on the Ottawa Immigration Forum, please contact Nyamulola Kambanji, OLIP Knowledge & Partner Relations Officer by email, at

*Please Note: The City of Ottawa will conduct a bilingual brainstorming activity during the networking period of the Forum (8:15 am- 8:50 am), to gather innovative ideas on what would make Ottawa a more welcoming city for immigrants.



Faces and Stories of a Welcoming City- A Photo Exhibition throughout WOW

Showcasing the spirit of genuine hospitality and respect extended by Ottawans of all backgrounds towards newcomers, in everyday life. WOW Ambassadors are nominated by members of the community for having demonstrated qualities of openness, curiosity and friendliness that transcend differences.

WOW 2015 will present an exhibition of the photos and stories of WOW Ambassadors, organized by Louisa Taylor.

Contact: Louisa Taylor :


1:30 pm- 3:30 pm 

Marriott Hotel, Victoria Ballroom,100 Kent, Ottawa

Coaching for Success Launch

This event is the launch of Coaching for Success, an initiative that will allow local employers and other stakeholders to take a lead on coaching as a strategy to advance the integration of newcomers into the Ottawa labour market. There will be a panel of employers / stakeholders who will talk about the success of various coaching activities with World Skills such as Professional Development, Mentoring, and Targeted Recruitment Events, followed by a networking session.

The goal is for new employers to sign up for the Coaching for Success program. This event is open to newcomers and employers of Ottawa.

Contact: Dragana Mrdjenovic, or 613-233-0453, Ext: 330


5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Raw Sugar Cafe, 692 Somerset St W, Ottawa

Coming Out and Coming in: LGBTQ Migration to Canada

The event is a discussion, Cafe Scientifique style, to discuss the merits and challenges of LGBTQ migration programs in Canada. Spokespersons with different experiences/views on LGBTQ migration to Canada will introduce a larger discussion among participants with an interest in migration. This event is hosted by the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa.

Contact: Patti Lenard, or 613 796-6647


5:30 pm –  8:00 pm

City Hall, Richmond Room,110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa

Credit and Loans in Canada

In collaboration with Councillor Catherine McKenney, Ottawa Community Loan Fund (OCLF) will organize a workshop on credit and loans in Canada. The workshop is targeted at newcomers, especially immigrant women and how they can build their credit history. Participants will learn:

• what credit history is, and why it is important;

• how to establish an A+ credit score, and how to access your credit history;

• Loan structures in Canada;

• OCLF services and other support services in the City.

Contact: Laura Koivisto-Khazaal, or 613-252-6013


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Ottawa Public Library, Vanier Branch, 310 Pères Blancs,Ottawa

Documentary Screening: “Children of the light” 

This feature documentary tells the life story of 1984 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the crucial role he played in bringing about an end to apartheid in South Africa. The film takes us around the globe to see the work of 5 young activists and leaders who were inspired by the example of Tutu, and who are now creating social change in their own communities – in Peru, in Burma, in East Timor, in India, and in South Africa. Narrated by Desmond Tutu’s daughter, Naomi Tutu.

Contact: Sara Beaudry, or 613 580-2424, Ext. 12578


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Vanier Branch, 310 Pères Blancs, Ottawa

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers.

Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940



School Boards Social Media Engagement 

This joint School Boards Social Media Engagement is a collaborative initiative by all four boards (Ottawa Carleton District School Board, Ottawa Catholic School Board, Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario and Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est, to conduct a targeted week-long social media campaign aimed at increasing connectivity among their school communities and to increase their awareness about the needs and opportunities for addressing immigrant integration issues. The boards will not only promote the spirit of welcome among their communities, but also promote the Welcoming Ottawa Week.



WOW Social Media Campaign: “Make the Connection through 211”

Raising Connectivity Through 211: This targeted week-long social media campaign aims to increase connectivity among social service organizations and to increase their awareness about the needs and opportunities for addressing immigrant integration issues. Immigrants in Ottawa will be encouraged to access services through 211 channels. Visit the Facebook & Twitter pages.

Contact: Philippe Martel,



Immigrants of Ottawa (Photography Project)

A photography project showcasing the different faces of immigrants who call Ottawa home. Ottawa photographer Nyamulola Kambanji will be shooting portraits of immigrants during the month of June and profiling their integration stories through pictures. The profiles will be featured on Immigrants of Ottawa during Welcoming Ottawa Week.

Contact: Nyamulola Kambanji, or 



Lowertown Community Resource Center, 40 Cobourg St, Ottawa

Lowertown Pride in Pictures

For Welcoming Ottawa Week, Lowertown Community Resource Centre will organize Youth volunteers who will take pictures and testimonials from other youth and adults living in Lowertown, focusing on immigrant families, why they love Lowertown and to celebrate community spirit and diversity. These pictures will be displayed in the Lowertown Community Resource Center.

Contact: Nancy Darisse, or 613 789- 3930


8h30 à 10h00

(Available in French only)

Liaison en direct entre la Semaine d’accueil d’Ottawa et la « Semaine canadienne » à Paris – vidéo conférence

Le Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’Est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO) fera une courte présentation en vidéo conférence à une centaine de participants à la « Semaine canadienne » à Paris qui se déroulera du 21 juin au 1er juillet. Lors d’une journée entièrement dédiée à la mobilité internationale, cette présentation sera l’occasion unique de présenter à des candidats prêts à l’immigration au Canada, les possibilités de vie et la diversité qu’offre Ottawa ainsi que divers services francophones disponibles aux nouveaux arrivants. Différents partenaires seront présents sur place à Ottawa.



10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Tour commences from the Human Rights Monument at Elgin & Lisgar

Indigenous Walking Tour

Guided Walk: The Indigenous community of Ottawa welcomes immigrants and is keen to introduce to them Ottawa’s history and culture from the perspective of Aboriginal People.

Indigenous Walks is a fun yet educational way to learn about Indigenous Peoples experiences in Ottawa. This guided walk and talk will provide a layer of knowledge of the national capital through the eyes of an Indigenous person.

On the land of the Algonquin called Turtle Island, this tour will guide participants through indigenous social, political, cultural and artistic spaces. From the totem pole in Confederation Park to the Three Watchmen sculpture near Major’s Hill Park, participants will get to know Ottawa like they have never known it before!

Contact: Jaime,


11:00 am – 1:00 pm
219 Argyle Avenue, Suite 400, Ottawa

Immigrant Women’s Art Exhibition and Open House

Stories of immigrant and refugee women portrayed through art. Paintings and quilts tell powerful stories of resilience, hope and strength, as well as the immigration and integration journey.

This open house will also allow the general public to learn more about the services offered by the Immigrant Women’s Services Organization (IWSO) and celebrate the unique talents of immigrant women.

Contact: Mercy Lawluvi,


1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
219 Argyle Avenue, Room 113, Ottawa

Making Every Vote Count

Organized by the City for All Women Initiative (CAWI), participants in this interactive workshop will consider why the upcoming federal election matters to immigrant communities. What are the issues? Who can vote and how? What steps can be taken to increase voter turnout in various communities? What impact can non-citizens have in this election? Come and learn more.

Contact: Suzanne Doerge, or 613 526-5240


3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
945 Wellington Street, 959 Wellington Street (adjacent buildings)

OCISO Community Open House

The Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) will open its doors to the general public and give a backstage pass to the people, programs and passion for newcomer integration that make up its mission. There will be refreshments, giveaways, music, and more!

Contact: Lorrie DeGaust, or 613 725-0202, Ext. 335.


6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Road, Ottawa 

Saba Persian Dance – Workshop

This entertaining, interactive workshop will engage participants in learning basic movements in Persian dance to create and perform a short piece in a group. Participants will learn about the importance of the arts in Ottawa and how immigrants can contribute to and benefit from Ottawa’s rich artistic landscape. The dance style integrates Iranian, East Indian, Arabic, and African influences to create a beautiful, dynamic piece, which will have cross-cultural appeal.

Contact: Maria Sabaye Moghaddam, or 613 271-3036


6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

West End Well Co-operative,969 Wellington Street West, Ottawa

Celebration of Somali Food & Culture

The West End Well will be hosting an evening to celebrate the food and culture of the Somali community. A traditional Somali meal will be served followed by stories, poetry and music. A wonderful opportunity for cross-cultural exchange, learning and celebration of the rich traditions the Somali community has brought to Ottawa over the past few decades.

Contact: Bill Shields, or 613 697-8819


10:30 am – 1:00 pm

Algonquin College, Algonquin Commons Theatre, 1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa 

Succeeding in the Canadian Workplace: Presentation & Reception

Algonquin College is delighted to welcome Lionel Laroche to the Algonquin Commons Theatre! Over the past 18 years, Lionel has provided cross-cultural training, coaching and consulting services to over 75,000 people in 15 countries.

Designed for new Canadians, international students, and immigrant service providers, this presentation will examine the common stumbling blocks that many new Canadians and international students face during the first six months of their first job and analyzes these challenges in detail to provide concrete solutions. Join us to hear from Lionel, stay to enjoy a reception with light lunch, and learn more about the wide range of services Algonquin offers to support new Canadians and international students.

Registration is free and available at:

Contact: Carey Carty, or 613 727-4723, Ext. 5254


9:30 am – 11:00 am

West End Well Co-operative, 969 Wellington Street West Ottawa  

Homelessness and Immigration

An end to homelessness means quickly helping individuals and family members with emergency shelter when they first become homeless, then assisting them in finding appropriate housing. It also means assisting those who do have housing but are living “at risk” of losing it. The Alliance to End Homelessness in Ottawa will host an event that will explore issues related to homelessness and newcomers’ access to affordable housing in Ottawa. There is limited space at this event, so please register early!

Contact: Mike Bulthuis,


12:00 am – 1:00 pm

Somerset West Community Health Centre (Rosemount Branch, 2nd Floor)30 Rosemount Avenue,Ottawa 

Winning Hearts and Minds

Community members and clients of Somerset West Community Health Centre will recount their immigrant stories. The event seeks to build awareness and understanding of the challenges newcomers face and the richness they could potentially bring to communities when they are welcomed and supported. By being open, curious, friendly and supportive, newcomers enrich and strengthen host communities. The event is open to the public. Presentations will be in English, followed by Qs & As. Lunch will be provided.

Contact: Tess Frémont-Côté, or 613 238-8210, Ext. 2267


12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

School of Nursing, University of Ottawa 451 Smyth RD, Ottawa 

Living with HIV/AIDS and Infant feeding: An Interactive Community Health Dialogue

A woman’s choice of infant feeding method is a social, cultural, and emotional issue that must be understood in relationship to their social and cultural milieu and HIV status. Given that women of childbearing years are the fastest growing group of persons who are infected with HIV, with over-representation from HIV endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, raising awareness on this issue in the immigrant communities is important. Dr. Josephine Etowa, Loyer-DaSilva, Research Chair in Public Health Nursing at the University of Ottawa, will host an interactive Immigrant Community Health Dialogue.



12:30 pm – 1:30 pm & 2:30 pm- 3:30 pm

1500 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa 

Qigong with the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation

Qigong, means “Life Energy Cultivation” (Qi – energy, gong- cultivation or work). Qigong is a mindfulness practice of aligning breath and movement with awareness. It has roots in ancient Chinese medicine, with main focus on cultivating body, mind and spiritual health. These sessions are open to the public. There will be guided tours of the Maplesoft Centre available before and after each session of Qigong. Qigong sessions will be offered in English and volunteers will be available to translate into Arabic, Amharic, Dari, French, Hindi, and Punjabi. There is limited space in each session, so please register early!

Contact: Samantha Blair at 613 247-3527


1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

80 Aberdeen Street, Suite 100, Ottawa

Immigrant Entrepreneur Drop-In

Do you have some initial questions about starting a business; not sure of our services or how we help? Then please feel free to drop by Invest Ottawa and speak to a business advisor who will be on hand to answer questions in a group setting.


Contact: Peter Stewart,


1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Taggart Family Y, 180 Argyle Avenue,RBC Community Room, Ottawa 

Building Community Through Employment; Celebrating Multiculturalism in Skilled Trades

Join us for a free information and networking fair hosted by the Y Newcomer Information Centre and Power of Trades program. Come and network with Settlement Agencies, Skilled Trades Employers and Training Providers. Learn about the potential of Skilled Trades and more. Enjoy some cultural entertainment and food.

Contact: David Majok, or 613-788-5001 Ext. 5112


 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Elmvale Acres Branch, 1910 St-Laurent, Ottawa

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers.

Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940


 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Beaver Brook Branch, 2500 Campeau, Ottawa 

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers.

Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940


5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Albion-Heatherington Recreation Centre,1560 Heatherington Road.

Credit and Loans in Canada

In collaboration with Councillor Diane Deans, the Ottawa Community Loan Fund (OCLF) will organize a workshop on Credit and Loans in Canada. The workshop is aimed at newcomers, but all Ottawa residents are welcome. Participants will learn:

• what credit history is, and why it is important;

• how to establish an A+ credit score, and how to access your credit history;

• Loan structures in Canada;

• OCLF services and other support services in the City

Contact: Laura Koivisto-Khazaal, or 613 252-6013


7h30 à 8h30

181, rue Donald, bureau 30

Déjeuner réseautage francophone : Concert’Action (French only)

L’ACFO d’Ottawa organise un déjeuner réseautage sous le thème de la Semaine d’Accueil d’Ottawa pour y célébrer la diversité et l’accueil des nouveaux arrivants à Ottawa. Ce sera l’occasion unique de rencontrer et d’échanger avec quelques-uns des ambassadeurs francophones de la SAO, des personnes s’étant illustrées par leur ouverture d’esprit, leur dévouement et idées novatrices pour accueillir les nouveaux arrivants.



9h30 – midi

Améliorer la visibilité du secteur de l’établissement des immigrants

Un atelier de deux heures destiné aux directeurs généraux des organismes d’établissement des immigrants à Ottawa et à leurs adjoints aux communications avec deux orateurs :

Un orateur de marque du monde médiatique offrira certaines idées et éclairages sur la façon dont le secteur pourrait « faire passer son message ». Il sera également à l’écoute des rétroactions des participants sur la façon dont les médias pourraient s’améliorer pour conquérir de nouvelles audiences.

Un spécialiste des médias sociaux offrira un document-cadre d’orientation stratégique (dépliant) sur les meilleures pratiques et des approches efficaces et sur mesure destinées à rehausser le profil des organismes d’établissement. La participation se fait sur invitation seulement.


10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Parliament Hill and Rideau Hall 

Guided Tour of Parliament Hill and Rideau Hall

This guided tour organized by La Cité Collégiale will facilitate better understanding of the political structures in Canada among immigrant students.The event begins with a guided tour of Parliament and ends with a tour of Rideau Hall. The event is open to La Cité immigrant students only.

This tour will discover :

• actors , procedures and practices that ensure the proper functioning of the Canadian parliamentary system,

• The essential role of senators and deputies,

• Parliamentary procedures

• The legislative adoption process of bills

• The various other important aspects of the functioning of Parliament

• the role and responsibilities of the governor general in our parliamentary system and our society

• The lessons of history and citizenship make sense in this place where governors general have lived and worked since Confederation.

*Departure from College is at 9:15 am (by bus )

Contact: Denis Cloutier, or 613 742-2483, poste 2774


1:00 pm- 4:00 pm

OPS, 2nd floor, Pat Hayes Community Boardroom, 474 Elgin St.,Ottawa

Equity Ottawa Learning Event

Topic: Sharing Good Local Practices — Using dialogues to promote equity

Come find out how other Ottawa-based organizations are using authentic dialogues and conversations as a tool to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace and services. This learning event hosted by “Equity Ottawa” — a multi-sectoral partnership focused on building the capacity of local organizations to become more inclusive of immigrants and racialized communities.

There will be short presentations by Equity Ottawa partners, Q&A’s and an open forum with all participants, and an opportunity to network with other leaders and practitioners of equity active in the Ottawa community.

To register please click here. Contact: Yumi Kotani,


4:00 pm- 6:00 pm

Ottawa Police Service Headquarters, 474 Elgin Street

Police Service Diversity Celebration

Join the Ottawa Police Service’s first annual Diversity Celebration where you will have an opportunity to learn more about the police service’s efforts to build bridges with Aboriginal and diverse communities, learn about organizations and community associations serving Ottawa’s Aboriginal and diverse communities, view performances, and eat some great food!

Contact: Cst. Yolande Jaques, or 613-236-1222, ext. 5014


4:30 pm- 5:30 pm and 6:45 pm- 7:45 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Carlingwood, 281 Woodroffe, Ottawa 

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers.

Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940


6:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Ottawa University, 75 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa, Room #: FSS 4004

Youth Futures – Panel discussion on importance of Immigration, Settlement & Integration

This event will highlight the importance of immigrants to the Youth Futures program, and the importance of getting young people (immigrants and otherwise) involved in their communities. The discussions will showcase that newcomers to Canada need valuable leadership training, to become further involved and connected with their communities. The event will also emphasize that Immigrant youths are the key to breaking an intergenerational cycle of stunted growth upon entering Canada.

Contact: Naima Shegow,


6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Carlingwood, 281 Woodroffe,Ottawa

Documentary Screening : “My Macondo”

Inspired by the people and landscape of Colombia’s Banana Zone, Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez created the Buendia family and the village of Macondo, placing them at the center of his acclaimed novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude. Among the events described in Marquez’ novel is the 1928 Banana Strike and the subsequent murder of 3, 000 banana workers by the Colombian Army.

My Macondo sets out in search of Marquez’ legendary village and the truth behind that incident. Is the fictional village of Macondo a real place with a real history? Did the slaughter of the strikers actually take place? In trying to answer these questions, My Macondo explores the nature of history and myth, and poses questions about fiction and truth.

Contact: Sara Beaudry, or 613 580-2424, Ext. 12578


7:00 pm- 8:30 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch: 120 Metcalfe, Ottawa 

Documentary Screening: “Invisible City”

Invisible City is a moving story of two boys from Regent Park crossing into adulthood – their mothers and mentors rooting for them to succeed; their environment and social pressures tempting them to make poor choices. Turning his camera on the often ignored inner city, Academy-award nominated director Hubert Davis sensitively depicts the disconnection of urban poverty and race from the mainstream.

Contact: Sara Beaudry, or 613 580-2424, Ext. 12578


 10: 30 am- 11:30 am

Ottawa Public Library, Nepean Centrepointe Branch, 101 Centrepointe, Ottawa 

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers.

Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940


10:30 am – 1:30 pm

Mooney’s Bay Beach

OCISO Community Picnic

The Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) will organize a picnic to celebrate the end of school year for ESL / LINC students and their families. Bring your own lunch. Play soccer, tug of war and other games, children’s parachute games, etc.

Contact: Laurie Fraser,, or 613 249-9634


1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

219 Argyle Avenue, 2nd Floor

Catholic Centre for Immigration (CCI) Open House

An Open House with settlement workers will give the public the opportunity to discuss with settlement workers the nature of their work with Canadian newcomers. Visitors will get to understand the needs of CCI’s clients, the information they are seeking, and the process to deliver this to the immigrant community.

Contact: Maria Teresa Garcia, or 613 232-9634, Ext. 337


 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm

Richelieu-Vanier Community Centre, 300 Des Pères-Blancs,  Ottawa 

2nd Forum “Cultural Diversity Franco in Ottawa : Growth, development and involvement”

RPNFE/AFBTP will host its 2nd Forum to recognize not only the contribution of foreign-trained professionals to multiculturalism in Canada, but also to showcase and honor Francophones who contributed to the plural Francophonie in the Ottawa region.

Contact: Philippe Dieudonné, or 613 413-9379.


10:00 am- 12:00 pm

320 Pères-Blancs Avenue, ottawa

Circuit Vanier: A guided walking tour of Richelieu Park and Museopark

Museoparc will offer a bilingual guided tour of Richelieu Park and Museoparc.

contact: Hélène Boulay, or 613 580 2424 Ext. 32001


 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm

Ottawa Public Library, Greenboro Branch, 363 Lorry Greenberg Drive 

Celebrating Diverse Cultures in our Community

Our 4th annual cultural celebration series is being held at multiple Ottawa Public Library branches in June 2015. Celebrate Ottawa’s variety of cultures at your branch and meet new people! Discover traditions, music and dance; listen to stories or documentaries; or create crafts. These events are offered in partnership with local Library Settlement Program partners as well as community volunteers. Contact your branch for more information or call 613-580-2940


9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Brewer Park,100 Brewer Way, Ottawa

Community Cup 

An annual volunteer-driven community event that attracts over 2,000 guests. It is a fun-filled family event that includes a soccer tournament, demonstrations of  sports such as cricket and Tai Chi which are popular among immigrants and minority residents, children’s games, an international food bazaar, and a citizenship reaffirmation ceremony during which hundreds of Ottawans renew their vows to Canada and to each other.

Contact: Laurie Hinsperger, or 613 232-9634, Ext. 345


11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Dalhousie Community Centre Parking Lot,755 Somerset St W, Ottawa 

Chinatown Multicultural Corner II – GLCC Community Gala

GLCC Community Gala is a free admission outdoor celebration to commemorate GLCC 10 years’ contribution to the Ottawa community, helping immigrants to integrate into Canadian living. GLCC will showcase its various settlement programs. Participants will obtain information of all programs from various booths, sign-up on the spot and meet the instructors. Performance of multicultural music, dance and skits will be presented by community groups from 11am to 4pm. Food will also be on sale.

Contact: Shirley Fang or 613 230-4707



  1. Why have a Welcoming Ottawa Week?
  2. What shape and content will the WOW take?
  3. Can other partners join in?
  4. What is planned for the 2015 WOW?


Read our blog

Here you can learn about the people and events to be featured in Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) 2014. Our Chairs, partners and volunteers will provide updates on news and events concerning WOW. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements. If you have an idea for a blog post or if you would like to write for us, email us at Click here to read the 2015 WOW Blog.

Downloadable Templates


2015 WOW Partners


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La Cite couleurs CMYK
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Somerset West CHC Logo


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Lowertown Community Resource Centre

OLIP Logo_FINAL_August 2013
IWSO Logo Jan 2014

Y Logo with wording

GLCC logo

Youth Futures