Empowering Senior Leaders to Lead with Equity and Justice

On December 13, 2024, PLIO hosted a one-day anti-racism and anti-oppression training for senior executives from various sectors in Ottawa to build their capacity to create more equitable organizational cultures that better serve immigrants and racialized communities. Read more.


Meet the 2024 Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors

Six Ottawa residents received the Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors Award at the WOW 2024 launch breakfast reception co-hosted by OLIP and Mayor Mark Sutcliffe on June 17, 2024. The inspiring stories of exceptional individuals showcase the profound impact that welcoming communities can have on the lives of new residents. Read more.

Employment and Human Resources Equity Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to assist your organizations in equitable employment practices to ensure your workforce and leaders reflect the perspectives of immigrants and racialized populations. Read more.

Photo credit: Emily Ranquist / Pexels

How Will the International Student Cap Impact Ottawa?

In this article, we undertake a comprehensive analysis of the federal government decision to limit the number of international students and its consequences not only for educational institutions but also for the broader social and economic fabric of Ottawa. Read more.

Equitable Service Planning & Delivery: A NEW Toolkit

This new toolkit is designed to assist service provider organizations to plan and deliver services that are relevant and accessible to immigrants and racialized populations. Read more.

Meet the 2023 Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors

Seven Ottawa residents were presented with the Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors Award at the WOW launch breakfast reception co-hosted by OLIP and Mayor Mark Sutcliffe on June 19, 2023. Discover how these kind Ottawans’ contributions to making our city more inclusive and welcoming to newcomers. Read more.

Equitable Service Planning & Delivery: A NEW Toolkit

This new toolkit is designed to assist service provider organizations to plan and deliver services that are relevant and accessible to immigrants and racialized populations.  The Equitable Service Planning & Delivery Toolkit was commissioned by OLIP, developped by QuakeLab with extensive input from the members of the Equity Ottawa Partnership and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism.  Read more.


Sector Tables 1 2 3 4 5

Sector Table:
Economic Integration

The OLIP leaders sitting at the Economic Integration Sector Table tackle collaboratively the challenges surrounding the economic integration of immigrants. Together they developed and are implementing a comprehensive strategy and plans of action that simultaneously work with immigrants; employers; service providers; and the economic development sector as a whole.

Sector Table:

OLIP partners at the Education Sector Table aim to reduce the opportunity gap faced by immigrant students and particularly those living in low-income neighbourhoods with a high concentration of immigrant families. Through inter-sectoral collaboration, partners at this Sector Table are also working to create more...

Sector Table:
Health & Wellbeing

The Health and Wellbeing Sector Table works to improve physical and mental health outcomes for immigrants and refugees in Ottawa. Current initiatives focus on innovative service provision to ensure equity in health outcomes, including preventive measures through health literacy capacity-building and capitalizing on the unique...

Sector Table:

OLIP partners at the Language Sector Table address challenges related to training in both official languages and develop timely and specialized interpretation services to support access to critical human services. The work of this Sector Table is responsive to Ottawa’s status as a bilingual city where...

Sector Table:
Socio-civic Integration

The Socio-civic Integration Sector Table’s current initiatives stem from the combined priorities of settlement and integration capacity development strategies outlined in the Ottawa Immigration Strategy. Specific initiatives focus on organizational learning to build service providers’ capacity to serve immigrants and foster immigrant –friendly policies and...

Who We Are

The Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) is a multi-sectoral partnership involving 80 local organizations working on a shared vision and common priorities designed to build local capacity to attract, settle, and integrate immigrants in five sectors: Education; Economic Integration; Health and Wellbeing; Language; and Socio-Civic Integration….

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What We Do

OLIP’s mandate is to build community-wide capacity to attract, settle, and integrate immigrants. This mandate is fulfilled collaboratively by OLIP partners through three activity streams: collective planning, collaborative leadership, and coordinated action. Collective Planning OLIP’s collective planning establishes a common vision and direction and creates…

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OLIP’s Multi-level Governance: Facilitating Collaborative Leadership & Action OLIP’s governance structure supports community-wide leadership and action in the implementation of the Ottawa Immigration Strategy (OIS) while providing a transparent mechanism for continued planning, learning, and adjustment. The premise of OLIP’s governance structure is that the goals set…

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Empowering Senior Leaders to Lead with Equity and Justice

On December 13, 2024, OLIP’s Equity Ottawa hosted a full-day Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Training for senior leaders from various sectors in Ottawa. The event was designed to strengthen the capacity of local leaders in municipal, health, education, housing, and social services organizations to create more…

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Employment and Human Resources Equity Toolkit

We are excited to share a new toolkit designed to assist your organizations in equitable employment practices to ensure their workforce and leaders reflect the perspectives of immigrants and racialized populations. This toolkit was commissioned by OLIP, and developed with expertise from Seema Lamba, a…

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