A Path To Home: Supporting Housing Needs for Newcomers- Webinar

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A Path To Home: Supporting Housing Needs for Newcomers (APTH) is a national program that employs best-practice principles to the resettlement support process of newcomers to Canada. The program is unique in that it views resettlement through a housing lens, prioritizing affordable and appropriate housing as a fundamental building block of the settlement process.

The program supports recent immigrants and resettled refugees who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Those who face multiple barriers to integration such as due to low literacy or education skills, minimal urban living experience, health issues, isolation, and single parent or large families are considered a priority, among others. APTH is further focused on three core objectives central to a housing continuum of care, being housing access, stabilization and eviction prevention.

Join our dynamic team of speakers to learn more about A Path To Home, including plans to expand the program – along with best-practices, outcomes and models for success – and bring your own community’s experiences and learning to the conversation.