The WOW seminar on immigrant women’s nutrition and health was a step in the right direction towards closing the gap between academic researchers and service providers.

Josephine Etowa
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
The OLIP Council is committed to leadership.  In only a few years, we have a common vision and priorities, and are up to the task of implementing the Ottawa Immigration Strategy.

Salimatou Diallo
OLIP Council Vice Chair, Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario
The target beneficiary of the work of OLIP is the whole community. In this short period we have planted together important seeds for Ottawa’s development.  

Dick Stewart
OLIP Council
OLIP helps to unite and share scarce resources for greater impact by working together in the field of student education.

Walter Piovesan
Associate Director of Education, Ottawa Carleton District School Board
I’m really impressed with the level of energy and commitment around the Health and Wellbeing table and look forward to continuing collaboration between OLIP and OPH.

Marcela Tapia
Ottawa Public Health
I was happy to see integration to Algonquin territory and indigenous culture related programming in 2014 WOW. Please continue to involve local Aboriginal organisations and…

Linda Manning
WOW 2014 participant, Senior Fellow, University of Ottawa
The work and expertise that OLIP brings to our community is so important as it helps us to build bridges and break down silos.  I look forward to our continued work together. 

Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa
Canada has been shaped by people who came from all over the world to build this country. WOW offers a platform for us to celebrate this history and the future it will help…

Alex Munter, Chair of the OLIP Council and President and CEO of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre
In our city’s history, immigrants have always played an important role. They build our economic prosperity, diversify our culture, contribute to our social vitality.

Jim Watson
Mayor of Ottawa

Background & Reference Material on the Themes Addressed by the Forum 2015

August 17, 2015

OLIP partners’ concrete accomplishments, since the launch of the Immigration Strategy in 2011, in five sectors: a) economic integration b) health and wellbeing; c) education; d) language; and e) settlement and integration capacity development.

These reports are written by Meyer Burstein, OLIP Associate in Research & Policy and Lynn Barwin, Community-based researcher. The reports rely on three sources of data: partners’ discussion, survey to partners leading collaborative initiatives and follow-up interviews as needed. Analysis of these data is still in course, however brief summaries of the main accomplishments of each table is drawn to support discussions at the 3rd Ottawa Immigration Forum.

Retention and Economic Contributions of Immigrants to New Brunswick, 2005-2012, by Michael Haan and Elena Prokopenko, New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT), February 2015

This report provides detailed information on the recruitment, retention, and economic establishment of immigrants to New Brunswick from 2005-2012. It uses the Longitudinal Immigrant Database (IMDB), a unique administrative file containing landing and tax filing information on Canadian immigrants, to look closely at immigration in New Brunswick in recent history.

Refugee Mental Health Promising Practices and Partnership Building Resources, by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

This guide presents excerpts of research evidence to illustrate service providers’ perceptions of refugee mental health needs, service gaps and promising practices. It also presents some of the common situations that settlement workers may encounter in working with refugees and resources. The suggestions for ways to deal with these problems come from service providing organizations across Canada, and from mental health-related resources that are widely available..0

Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: general approach in primary care

This article identifies the risk factors and strategies in the approach to mental health assessment and to prevention and treatment of common mental health problems for immigrants in primary care. It also recognizes the fact that treating mental health problems among new immigrants and refugees in primary care poses a challenge because of differences in language and culture and because of specific stressors associated with migration and resettlement.

What is a Welcoming Community: An Overview (2013) Meyer Burstein, Pathways to Prosperity Partnership

This snapshot review gives a definition of a welcoming community and provides fifteen essential characteristics that are largely acknowledged to be the constituting blocks of a welcoming community. The overview is a brief adaptation from the “Characteristics of a Welcoming Community” (2010) study by the Welcoming Communities Initiative.

Characteristics of a Welcoming Community (2010) Welcoming Communities Initiative

This study provides a review of the current consensus by newcomers, policy makers and academics on the key characteristics of a welcoming community. It draws its findings from an extensive survey of the relevant scholarly literature, government (federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal) and community reports, and case study examples from the public and private sectors. The report acknowledges that there are gaps in supporting evidence of these characteristics, and suggests a strategy for further evaluation of their relevance and impact.

Francophone Immigration in Ottawa: Trends, Issues and Current Action (2013) RSIFEO and OLIP

This one-page report provides a brief overview of the current levels and trends of francophone immigration in Ottawa, and an analysis of some of the factors that may explain the observed trends. The report also highlights the key barriers to francophone immigrants’ integration in Ottawa, and outlines the approach that the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’Est de l’Ontario has taken to address them.