CPO Speaker Series: Women and Girls’ Eyes on the Neighbourhood: Feeling Safe in Public Space

November 14, 2013 at 8:00am until 10:00am
Council Chambers, Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON
See Map
Price: Free - Registration required
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CPO Speaker Series

Women and Girls’ Eyes on the Neighbourhood: Feeling Safe in Public Space

Everyone has a right to feel safe in their community.  To create safe spaces, we must identify and understand what makes people feel unsafe in their neighbourhoods.  This Speaker Series event will highlight a United Neighbours project undertaken by Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre (PQCHC) and the City for All Women Initiative (CAWI), and funded by Crime Prevention Ottawa.

Join us to hear the inspiring stories of participants and their suggestions for increasing neighbourhood safety for women and girls. Their work explores the feelings of 16 women and girls on the topic of personal safety in public spaces. These women and girls are drawn from four (4) priority neighbourhoods in the PQCHC catchment area.

The event will feature life-sized, personally crafted canvas “body maps” that visually depict the women’s and girls’ struggles, successes and overall experiences with safety in their communities.  Using a variety of artistic materials including newspaper clippings, photographs and paint, these maps are a powerful mechanism for illustrating personal experience.

Opening remarks:

  • Councillor Shad Qadri, Stittsville Ward, Crime Prevention Ottawa Chair


  • Robynn Collins, Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre (PQCHC)
  • Roberta Della Picca, City for All Women Initiative (CAWI)
  • Elsy David, Women’s Initiatives for Safer Environments (WISE)

Project participants


  • Councillor Mark Taylor, Bay Ward
  • David Pepper, Manager, Business and Operational Services, OC Transpo
  • Ken Racine, Special Constable, OC Transpo
  • Steve Clay, Community Development Manager, Ottawa Community Housing
  • S/Sgt Isobel Granger, Partner Assault, Ottawa Police Service

When and where:  

  • Speaker Series event: Thursday, November 14, 2013 from 8 to 10 a.m.
  • 8 a.m. Coffee in Jean Pigott Hall
  • 8:30 a.m. Event in Andrew Haydon Hall (Council Chambers)
  • City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Body maps display: November 13-14, Jean Pigott Hall

R.S.V.P. to Crime Prevention Ottawa at cpo@ottawa.ca or 613-580-2424 ext. 22454