Statues and Hero Building. Should Black Folks Care?

July 18, 2020 at 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM
iCal / Google Calendar (.ics)

The 613-819 Black Hub will be holding the 3rd meeting of its Hub Freedom School, Sunday, July 18, 3pm-4:30pm.

The goal of the Freedom School is to empower, members of Ottawa-Gatineau African-Canadian communities, with special emphasis on youth, to:

·  become active citizens and socially involved in their communities.

·  articulate their own desires, demands, and questions and to find new directions for action.

This class will be about hero building, including the debate about taking down statues.

What is hero building? How does it relate to systemic anti-Black racism? What can we do about it? Mayor Jim Watson recently said that statues of Sir John A. MacDonald should stay up because “he was the father or our nation, warts and all.” Do you agree? If not, why not?

Should Black people push to have governments erect statues of Black people? If so, who and why them and not others?

To join the session please send an email to: