“Together to provide better services for newcomers !”

March 10, 2017 at 8:30am until 12:00pm
La Cité, le collège d'arts appliqués et de technologie
801 Aviation Parkway Amphitheater, unit 1150
See Map
Price: Free
iCal / Google Calendar (.ics)

As settlement service providers, we are committed to newcomers’ successful integration in Ottawa, whether they are Anglophones or Francophones. Our common goal is to offer the best services to meet their needs because they are at the center of all our interventions. As we all know, Francophone immigrants often face more challenges and have different needs because they are in a minority situation. It is in this perspective that we would like for Anglophone and Francophone settlement service providers to get together to assess our ways of doing things and to see how we can work better together to help Francophone newcomers settle into our Francophone community and therefore insure their successful integration. We would like to discuss how to be more efficient at the referral level so that they benefit as much as possible from the complementarity of our services. The event will be conducted in both official languages. This initiative is supported by IRCC.

Please confirm your attendance by March 1st, 2017. *Breakfast will be served