Welcoming Ottawa Week 2018
Welcome to the Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) 2018 web page! Here you can find news about the sixth annual WOW, including information about the planned events and tools to help you if you are an event organizer.
WOW is an annual, week-long series of dialogues, cultural and celebratory events, sports activities, documentary screenings, and other fun events designed to convey the genuine welcome and hospitality of Ottawa to newcomers. It provides opportunities for quality interactions among residents, long-term and new.
Calendar of Events
View the 2018 WOW Calendar of Events.
WOW Event Categories
Educational Activities: campaigns that raise awareness about newcomers’ settlement, integration and contributions (including social media campaigns); learning seminars and workshops, film screenings, or book launches addressing aspects of newcomer integration in community life.
Community Engagement: public forums, dialogues, town halls, workplace discussions, neighbourhood celebration of diversity, youth engagement activities, or school debates on topics related to immigration, multiculturalism, pluralism, equity and diversity.
Arts & Entertainment: arts/photo exhibits, dance/fashion shows or poetry/music sessions showcasing artistic and intellectual contribution of immigrants and refugees or reflecting on the human experience of migration.
Formal Events: leadership engagement events, events by embassies or local diplomatic corps, discussing topics related to international migration and resettlement efforts, gala’s that bring attention to or raise funds for humanitarian crisis in the world.
Sport Activities: sports events with immigrant populations or workshops on sports favoured by minorities in Ottawa such as soccer, cricket, Tai Chi, yoga, etc.
WOW Stories
News Release 2018 WOW: More than 70 events planned for 2018 Welcoming Ottawa Week – June 18 to 30
Multicultural Colours: Art Workshop with Immigrant and Community Seniors
Welcoming Ottawa Mural Begins to Take Shape – By the Community for the Community
Exploring Magnet and partnership models to advance immigrant employment
Social Media
Please use #WOW18, #SAO18, #Ottawa, #CndImm and @OLIP-PLIO on social media to highlight WOW 2018.
2018 Welcoming Ottawa Week Chair
We are delighted to have Sarah Onyango as the Chair of WOW 2018. Read more about Sarah here.
Communications Toolkit for Event Organizers
A helpful toolkit has been developed for event organizations.
Please contact Suzanne Charest, Suzanne@olip-plio.ca, 613-232-9634, ext. 318 for any further questions.