The work and expertise that OLIP brings to our community is so important as it helps us to build bridges and break down silos.  I look forward to our continued work together. 

Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa
The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre is so happy to have joined the OLIP Health and Wellbeing Sector Table. It is clear that OLIP cares about immigrants and refugees and…

Wendy Tang, Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
We are very pleased to have done the “Opportunity Cost of Not Investing in Interpretation” report – it is so important to have clarity on these challenges and…

Hindia Mohamoud, Director, OLIP
The WOW seminar on immigrant women’s nutrition and health was a step in the right direction towards closing the gap between academic researchers and service providers.

Josephine Etowa
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
The OLIP Council is committed to leadership.  In only a few years, we have a common vision and priorities, and are up to the task of implementing the Ottawa Immigration Strategy.

Salimatou Diallo
OLIP Council Vice Chair, Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario
My nomination is an indication that our hard work in building Canada is recognized. All we do is to serve the community in return for embracing us when we needed it.  

Mehdi Mahdavi
Ottawa Immigrant Entrepreneurship Awards Nominee
The City of Ottawa will continue to play a lead role in the implementation of the Ottawa Immigration Strategy, just as we did in the founding of OLIP.

Steve Desroches
City Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Ottawa
The target beneficiary of the work of OLIP is the whole community. In this short period we have planted together important seeds for Ottawa’s development.  

Dick Stewart
OLIP Council
Canada has been shaped by people who came from all over the world to build this country. WOW offers a platform for us to celebrate this history and the future it will help…

Alex Munter, Chair of the OLIP Council and President and CEO of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre
I was happy to see integration to Algonquin territory and indigenous culture related programming in 2014 WOW. Please continue to involve local Aboriginal organisations and…

Linda Manning
WOW 2014 participant, Senior Fellow, University of Ottawa

2017 Welcoming Ottawa Week

Welcome to the Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) 2017 portal! Here you can find news about the fifth annual WOW, information about the planned events and a list of community partners and sponsors.

We use #WOW17, #SAO17, #Ottawa, #CndImm and @OLIP-PLIO on social media to highlight WOW 2017.

WOW is an annual, week-long series of dialogues, cultural and celebratory events, sports activities, documentary screenings, and other fun events designed to convey the genuine welcome and hospitality of Ottawa to newcomers. It provides opportunities for quality interactions among residents, long-term and new.

Please contact Hodan Egale,, 613-232-9634, ext. 385 for any further questions.

Photos of WOW 2017 events

Photos of the WOW 2017 launch event – June 20, 2017

Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours

2017 Welcoming Ottawa Week Chairs

Communications Toolkit for Event Organizers

  1. WOW Frequently Asked Questions
  2. WOW PSA News Release
  3. Media Advisory – WOW Event
  4. WOW Media Tips + What Makes Something Newsworthy
  5. Photo Consent Form
  6. Communications Checklist
  7. Tips for WOW Event Hosts – Hosting, Evaluating and Reporting on Events
  8. WOW Logo High resolution & Low resolution
  9. WOW Poster


2017 WOW Calendar of Events

We have an exciting lineup of events for you during the Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) of June 20 to 30.


7:30 – 9:30 am 

City Hall, Jean Piggot Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W

 Welcoming Ottawa Week Launch 

A breakfast event hosted by the Mayor of Ottawa in collaboration with the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) to kick-start the 2017 Welcoming Ottawa Week activities. Highlights include presentation of Welcoming Ottawa Ambassador awards to Ottawa residents who were nominated by newcomers as having contributed to their integration into life in Ottawa.

This invitation only event is for OLIP partners, WOW event hosts, past winners of the Welcoming Ambassador awards, civil society leaders, faith leaders and business and government executives.

Language: Bilingual

Host: City of Ottawa and Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)

Contact: Suzanne Charest,, 613-232-9634, ext. 318



Faces and Stories of a Welcoming City – A Photo Exhibition

Showcasing the spirit of genuine hospitality and respect extended by Ottawa residents of all backgrounds towards newcomers, in everyday life. Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors are nominated by members of the community for having demonstrated qualities of openness, curiosity and friendliness that transcend differences. This exhibit, curated by Nyamulola Kambanji, includes the photos and stories of the recipients of the 2017 Welcoming Ottawa Ambassador awards.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)

Contact: Nyamulola Kambanji,




Immigrants of Ottawa

Ottawa photographer Nyamulola Kambanji’s online blog showcasing the different faces of immigrants who call Ottawa home. The blog will showcase portraits and stories of the Welcoming Ottawa Week Ambassador award recipients and their nominators. The profiles will be featured on the Immigrants of Ottawa Facebook page.

Host: Immigrants of Ottawa

ContactNyamulola Kambanji,


Week-long (9 – 6 pm)

30 Metcalfe Street and online exhibits

Celebrating Canada … The Jewish Experience

The small, multi-panel exhibition presents a sample of Jewish contributions to Canada.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Canadian Jewish Experience

Contact:, 613-680-8820


Week-long (June 20 – 25)

NAC Theatre (June 20), Major’s Hill Park (June 21), Vincent Massey Park (June 22-25)

Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival

A multi-disciplinary arts festival that showcases the culture, diversity and contributions of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. The festival includes an International Pow Wow competition, a Reconciliation Pavilion, cultural and arts programming, live music, family activities, and food vendors (June 23-25). Also part of the Festival are a theatre performance (June 20) and a live concert on National Aboriginal Day (June 21).

Language: English

Host: Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival

Contact: Joseph Stone,


11 am – 1 pm


World Refugee Day Event

The Refugee Network of Ottawa is hosting a special event to commemorate World Refugee Day.

Language: French

Host: Refugee Network of Ottawa (ReNoO)

Contact: Anneke van Nooten,, 613-232-9634, ext. 383


1 – 2 pm


Webinar: Resources and Tips to Better Prepare for your Ottawa Business

A webinar for francophone newcomers hosted by the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario and its partners: the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre. The webinar provides information on how to prepare for migration to Canada and integration into the Ottawa labor once newcomers have arrived and market and French educational resources. Questions can be submitted in advance of the webinar on the RSIFEO Facebook page.

Language: French

Host: Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario and its partners, the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre

Contact: Edwige Affaa,, 613-715-3322.


1 – 4 pm

219 Argyle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Boardroom 2

World Skills LinkedIn Training Workshop

New immigrants will learn how improve their LinkedIn profiles and ways to better leverage the social media platform for their job searches. Computers are limited, so participants are asked to bring their laptop if they have one. (*Closed workshop)

Language: English

Host: World Skills Employment Centre

Contact: Vikki Broesamle, 613-233-0453 ext. 304


1:30 – 3 pm

Tour starts at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West) and ends at Saint Anthony of Padua Church (427 Booth Street)

Little Italy Walk

Guided walk with Luciano Pradal throughout Little Italy to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants will take a leisurely stroll down Preston Street, hearing about the Italian community and other immigrants who settled in the area. They learn about important institutions like St. Anthony’s Soccer Club and visit many landmarks. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


3 – 4:30 pm

Tour starts at Bingham Park (145 Cathcart Street) and ends at Tucker’s Marketplace (61 York Street)

Lowertown West Walk

Guided walk with Vincent Bergeron throughout Lowertown West to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants walk though this vibrant neighbourhood to learn about the evolving social history, architecture and commerce and how this area was the heart of early Bytown (Ottawa’s original name).

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


3:30 – 5:30 pm

Centre de services communautaires Vanier, 270 avenue Marier (salle communautaire)

Meeting Spaces: Social and Cultural Integration Experiences of Francophone Immigrants in Ottawa and London, Ontario

The Diversity and Equity Research Group, University of Ottawa in collaboration with the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO), presents the results of a study that examined the role of community spaces in the integration and social and cultural participation of French speaking immigrants and refugees in francophone minority communities in Ottawa and London, Ontario. It also will highlight barriers and challenges faced by these immigrants, the organizations that serve them and the communities that welcomed them. Recommendations included in the study’s report will be discussed.

Language: French

Host: Diversity and Equity Research Group, University of Ottawa in collaboration with the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO)

Contact: Luisa Veronis, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa,, 613-562-5800 ext. 1046. Edwige Affaa, RSIFEO, 613-715-3322


6 – 9 pm

OCISO, 945 Wellington Street West

Documentary Screening: 19 Days

To commemorate World Refugee Day, OCISO will screen 19 Days, a short documentary by the National Film Board of Canada. The story line follows several refugee families during their first 19 days in Canada, as they navigate an unfamiliar terrain that has suddenly become their home.

Language: English


Contact: T. 613-725-5671 ext. 262


9 – 5 pm 

229 Chapel Street

Photo Exhibition: The History of Canada’s Croatian Community

This photo exhibition tells the story of the Croatian community in Canada, with a specific emphasis on Manitoba and Winnipeg.

Language: English

Host: Embassy of the Republic of Croatia

Contact: Martina Mihovilic Vracaric, 613-562-7829 or 613-869-1044 ,


10 – 12 pm 

Maison Marie-Louise, 235 Saint Anne Avenue

Maison Marie-Louise Open House

The Maison Marie-Louise drop in centre is inviting newcomers to have a coffee with them and learn about their community programs and services.

Language: French

Host: Maison Marie-Louise

Contact: Michelle Lapalme or Latifa Doudech,, 613-746-9046.


10 – 12 pm 

Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre, 1365 Richmond Road, 2nd Floor, Room 104 (Cedar Room)

Continuing the Conversation about Alcohol

Ottawa Public Health is leading conversations about the effects of alcohol in Ottawa with community groups throughout the city and sharing the Status of Alcohol in Ottawa report.  For adults over the age of 19 to learn about who is drinking and how much and what the health and social costs are to our community. OPH wants to strengthen relationships and have conversations with Ottawa residents with diverse backgrounds to hear what they have to say about the effects of alcohol in our City.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Public Health

Contact: Debbie Briggs, PHN, 613-580-6744 ext. 26197, Terry-Lynne Marko, PHN, 613-580-6744 ext. 24359


10 – 2 pm

4000 Labelle Street

Community Tour

Participants will travel by bus to visit several community organizations and learn about the services they offer.

Language: French

Host: Conseil des écoles catholiques du centre-est

Contact: Hortense Mvuemba, 613-744-2555, ext. 33837


12 – 1pm

55 Eccles, Somerset West CHC- Phil Brown Boardroom (3rd floor)

“have THAT talk” about mental health and learn about ways to help improve mental health

This seminar showcases Ottawa Public Health’s “have THAT talk” mental health promotion campaign and is open to anyone working with the immigrant, refugee, ethno-cultural and racialized populations. It aims to introduce the campaign, increase awareness of the negative impacts of stigma and provides interactive activities to build resilience and contribute to positive mental health.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Public Health

Contact: Hodan Aden,, 613-580-6744 ext. 29724


12 – 1 pm
219 Argyle Avenue, 3rd Floor

World Skills Food of the Month

A staff potluck to celebrate our colleagues and share traditional cuisines. *By Invitation only

Language: English

Host: World Skills Employment Centre

Contact: Vikki Broesamle, or 613-233-0453 Ext. 304.


1 – 4 pm

219 Argyle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Boardroom 2

World Skills LinkedIn Training Workshop

Session participants will learn how improve their LinkedIn profiles and ways to better use the social media platform for their job searches. Computers are limited, so participants are asked to bring their laptop if they have one. Please register HERE.

Language: English

Host: World Skills Employment Centre

Contact: Vikki Broesamle, or 613-233-0453 Ext. 304.


6:30 – 8 pm

Tour starts at the Ottawa Chinatown Royal Arch (near Bronson Avenue and Somerset Street West intersection) and ends at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West)

Chinatown Walk

Guided walk with Don Kwan throughout Chinatown to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. They learn about the multicultural village this neighbourhood has become, not only including Asian cultures, but also influences from French Canada, the Middle East, Latin America and more. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


10 – 3 pm

Ottawa Mentorship Collaborative: Learn, Inspire, Share

Interactive sessions with “mentee alumnus” to hear their success stories and discuss mentoring best practises with seasoned mentors. These sessions will highlight the benefits of mentoring immigrants and how to become involved with mentoring programs.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization

Contact: Jasmine Qi,, 613-725-5671, ext. 225


1 – 3pm

University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences Building, 120 University Private, Room FSS 10003

Social Media and Canada’s 150th Anniversary: Syrian Refugee Youth Building Friendships in Ottawa

This interactive workshop focuses on how social media use is shaping everyday lives of refugees and its role in contributing to the well-being, inclusion, and integration of refugees at various stages of relocation and resettlement. This workshop’s key insights are based on the results of an innovative Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada funded project on Syrian refugee youth in Ottawa.

Language: English

Host: Staying in Touch, Connecting, Integrating: Social Media Use of Newly Arrived Syrian Refugee Youth in Canada – and the Diversity and Equity Research Group, University of Ottawa

Contact: Dr. Rukhsana Ahmed, Department of Communication, University of Ottawa,, 613-562-5800, ext. 3834.


1 – 4 pm

363 Coventry Road

HIO Cross-Cultural Competency Training for Employers

The training session is designed to equip employers, human resource professionals, and people managers with the practical skills, strategies and tools needed to increase cultural competencies and prepare workplaces for a culturally diverse employee base. This training module covers intercultural problem-solving strategies.

Language: English

Host: Hire Immigrants Ottawa (HIO)

Contact: Lorena Costa,, (613) 228-671-5363


1:30 – 3:00 pm

Tour starts at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West) and ends at Saint Anthony of Padua Church (427 Booth Street)

Little Italy Walk

Guided walk with Luciano Pradal throughout Little Italy to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants take a leisurely stroll down Preston Street, hearing about the Italian community and other immigrants who settled in the area. They learn about important institutions like St. Anthony’s Soccer Club and visit many landmarks. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


2 – 3:30pm

Adult High School Library(beside room 211), 300 Rochester Street

Building Foundations for Adolescent Newcomers

This event will share teacher feedback, student feedback and a video from a summer learning program for newcomers hosted in July 2016. The program (which will start again on July 5, 2017), is designed for adolescents who had recently arrived in Ottawa, was created to support early literacy and numeracy and help students learn ‘how to do’ school in an Ontario context.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Contact: Katie Ritter, 613-979-3766 or Jacqueline Lawrence,


5:30 – 7 pm

Conseil Économique et Social d’Ottawa Carleton, 649 Montréal Road, Room 202

Documentary Screening: De Passage

A screening of The Visitor, a documentary about immigration, as part of the French conversation circles for newcomers.

Language: French

Host: Conseil Économique et Social d’Ottawa Carleton

Contact: Francoise Magunira,, 613-248-1343, 613-795-5181


5:30 – 9 pm

Tea Party Café, 119 York Street

Open Mic Night For Refugee Youth Mental Health

Join MAX, the Medellin projet and Refugee 613 for an open mic and jam session to celebrate diversity in Canada’s national capital as part of a poetry campaign to raise awareness about the global refugee crisis. Themes are: refugee youth/mental health, diversity/integration and LGBTQ2+/gender identity. To register as a performer, please email a 1-2 line description of yourself along with the title, theme and 15 WELCOMING OTTAWA WEEK 2017 approximate duration of your story, song, poem, dance, act or other performance to Deadline for submissions is Friday, June 16 (or until space fills up).

Language: Bilingual

Host: MAX, Medellin projet and Refugee 613



8 pm
Foster Farm Community Centre, 1065 Ramsey Crescent

Ramadan Potluck Dinner

This event provides a chance to share stories and lived-experiences about immigrating to Canada. The invitation is extended to newcomers and immigrants, as well as anyone who would like an insight on the fasting practice and newcomer experience.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Youth Futures

Contact: Hanan Ghazal,, 613-890-8533


9 – 1 pm
1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Algonquin College

LinkedIn Photo Session

World Skills and the students of the Algonquin College Photography Program are offering free portrait sessions to World Skills Employment Centre clients and other job seekers. These photos will support new immigrants in updating their LinkedIn profile photo to support use of this social media platform in their job searches. Please register HERE.

Language: English

Host: Algonquin College Photography ProgramWorld Skills Employment Centre and Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)

Contact: Vikki Broesamle,, 613-233-0453 ext, 304


10 – 7:30 pm

Horticulture Building (1525 Princess Patricia Way)

Ottawa Welcomes the World

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia marks its national celebration as part of series of world-class cultural events to promote and strengthen ties between nations on the occasion of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

Language: English

Host: Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia


10 – 11:30 am

Tour starts at the Ottawa Chinatown Royal Arch (near Bronson Avenue and Somerset Street West intersection) and ends at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West)

Chinatown Walk

Guided walk with Don Kwan throughout Chinatown to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. They learn about the multicultural village this neighbourhood has become, not only including Asian cultures, but also influences from French Canada, the Middle East, Latin America and more. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


10 – 1 pm

Mooney’s Bay Beach (near the children’s swings)

Community Picnic

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization’s Language Instruction for Newcomers is celebrating the end of the school year with a community picnic for all ages. It includes children’s games, soccer for adults, tug-of-war, and more. Bring your own lunch.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO)

Contact: Laurie Fraser,, 613 249-0006


10 – 11:30 am

Tour starts at the Ottawa Chinatown Royal Arch (near Bronson Avenue and Somerset Street West intersection) and ends at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West)

Chinatown Walk

Guided walk with Tam Ka Vo-Van throughout Chinatown to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. They learn about the multicultural village this neighbourhood has become, not only including Asian cultures, but also influences from French Canada, the Middle East, Latin America and more. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: French

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


10 – 11:30 am

Tour starts at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West) and ends at Saint Anthony of Padua Church (427 Booth Street)

Little Italy Walk

Guided walk with Luciano Pradal throughout Little Italy to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants take a leisurely stroll down Preston Street, hearing about the Italian community and other immigrants who settled in the area. They learn about important institutions like St. Anthony’s Soccer Club and visit many landmarks. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


11 – 2 pm

120-225 Donald Street

Festival of the World  – Rideau-Rockcliffe

To celebrate Canada’s 150th and the cultural contribution of immigrants to Ward 13, the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre is hosting its first cultural fair and for the second year in a row, a distribution of WelcomePack Canada gift boxes. This event provides an opportunity for Ward 13 to showcase its many, diverse and rich cultures that stem from immigration.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre

Contact: Esmeralda Alabré, 613-745-0073 ext. 115


10 – 6 pm

Strathcona Park, 25 Range Rd

African Caribbean Multiculturalism Day

This event celebrates African and Caribbean cultures, showcasing food, fashion and games.

Language: English

Host: Somerset West Community Health Centre / African Canadian Association of Ottawa (ACAO)

Contact: Hector Addison,, 613-501-9192


10 – 2pm

Horticulture Building(1525 Princess Patricia Way)

Ottawa Welcomes the World

The Embassy of the Republic of the Republic of Korea marks its national celebration as part of series of world-class cultural events to promote and strengthen ties between nations on the occasion of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

Language: English

Host: Embassy of the Republic of Korea



11 – 12 noon

Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Road

Persian Dance Workshop

An entertaining, interactive workshop that engages participants in learning basic Persian dance movements to create and perform a short group piece. This dance style integrates Iranian, East Indian, Arabic, and African influences.

Language: English

Host: Saba Persian Dance

Contact: Maria Sabaye Moghaddam,, 613-271-3036


11 – 3 pm

Brewer Park (100 Brewer Way)

Potluck Picnic at Brewer Park

The Catholic Centre for Immigrants’ Community Connections program and the YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region are hosting a potluck picnic to bring their newcomers, volunteers and partners together in celebration of Canada Multiculturalism Day and Canada’s 150th anniversary. Registration required by email at

Language: Bilingual

Host: Catholic Centre for ImmigrantsCommunity Connections and YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital

Contact:, (613) 232-9634, Lulama ext. 321, Karen ext. 394, Javier ext. 387, Michael ext. 403, Laurie ext. 420


2 – 5 pm

Brewer Park (100 Brewer Way)

Friendly Challenge Soccer Event

This recreational soccer event brings people together in the spirit of sport, diversity and friendly competition. It could include 52 teams from community groups, friends, workplaces, new immigrants, refugees and more. Meet some Fury players, participate in the Catholic Centre for Immigrants potluck picnic, DJ music and the dance off challenge! Deadline to register your team of 6 to 12 players for a “6 on 6”, coed, adult (15+), 30 minute, recreational soccer game is June 18, 2017.

Language: English

Host: Drop In Sports

Contact: Dan Dubeau,, 613-355-0735


 2 – 5 pm


Webinar: Resources and Tips to Better Prepare for your Ottawa Business

A webinar for francophone newcomers hosted by the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO) and its partners: the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre. It provides information on preparation before arriving in Canada, integration into the Ottawa labor market and French educational resources. Questions can be submitted in advance of the webinar on the RSIFEO Facebook page.

Language: French

Host: Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO) and its partners: the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre.

Contact: Edwige Affaa,, 613-715-3322.


All day

Sparks Street


A free, outdoor photo exhibition to celebrate Canada’s 150th on Canada Multiculturalism Day. It will include photos and stories of immigrants who have made Canada their home in the last three generations. It will also include photos and stories of Canadian First Nations, Métis, and Indigenous groups.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Global Shapers-Ottawa Hub

Contact: Jillian Gedeon,, 613-796-8253.


12 – 2 pm

Export Development Canada, 150 Slater Street

Canadian Multiculturalism Day Event to celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary and the Multiculturalism and Diversity of Export Development Canada Employees

This multicultural trade show will profile various regions around the world (North Africa and the Middle East, Europe, South America, Central America and the Caribbean, South Asia and East Asia & the Pacific, and Canada (First Nations)). Employees will learn about each other’s cultures and the cultures of the various regions. *Closed event

Language: Bilingual

Host: Export Development Canada

Contact: Margot Panet,, 613-597-8912


4 – 7 pm

219 Argyle Ave, Room 114-115

Unity in Diversity

An afternoon filled with multicultural activities such as henna, forum theatre play and food from around the world.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Immigrant Women Services Ottawa

Contact: Mercy Lawluvi, Executive Director, Sara Carrillo Marketing and Outreach Coordinator,


5:30 – 7:30 pm

Canadian Federation of Students Office, 338C Somerset St W,

Community Feast and Forum: Building a Welcoming Ottawa for All

At this event, over food and refreshments, participants will share ideas about what a sanctuary city could look like when we come together to build it from the ground up. A sanctuary city is one where everyone can access city services regardless of immigration status, without fear of detention or deportation.

Language: English

Host: Sanctuary City Ottawa

Contact: Aditya (Adi) Rao,, 780-238-2422 [Please use (+91) 9819177702 until June 16]


1 – 4 pm

YMCA-YWCA Employment Access Centre – Argyle, 180 Argyle Avenue, 4th floor

Canadian Workplace Culture Workshop

A workshop for immigrants and newcomers to learn how to succeed in the Canadian workplace by exploring different communication techniques and behavioral signals. Participants will also learn the expectations of employers in a Canadian work environment.

Language: English

Host: YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region

Contact: Katie Sexton,, 613-788-5001 ext. 2315


2 – 3:30 pm

Tour starts at Jules Morin Park (400 Cobourg Street) and ends at the Rideau Bakery, 384 Rideau Street

Lowertown East Walk

Guided walk with Marc Farine throughout Lowertown East to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants learn about how French, Eastern European and Jewish immigrants transformed this neighbourhood. They visit schools, bakeries, restaurants and religious institutions that have been influenced by successive cohorts of immigrants.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Ottawa Public Library, 120 Metcalfe Street, Auditorium

Film Screening: In the Shadow of Gold Mountain

A special screening of In the Shadow of Gold Mountain, a National Film Board documentary that explores stories from the last survivors of the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, followed by a panel discussion.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Chapter of Chinese Canadian National Council, and the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)

Contact: Nyamulola Kambanji,


7 pm – 9 pm

Faculty of Social Sciences Building,University of Ottawa campus Room FSS4007


Community is an exciting new project dedicated to collecting the stories of Ottawa residents who helped to resettle more than 2,000 refugees in 2015 and 2016. The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, will unveil the special Community web site, filled with vivid stories, beautiful photosand videos of some of the people who made it all happen, including settlement workers, private sponsors, government staff, volunteers and the newcomers themselves. Space is limited and registration is required to reserve a spot. Please register HERE.

Language: English

Host: Refugee613

Contact:, 613-725-5671 ext. 640


10 – 6 pm

Horticulture Building (1525 Princess Patricia Way)

Ottawa Welcomes the World

The Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar marks its national celebration as part of series of world-class cultural events to promote and strengthen ties between nations on the occasion of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

Language: English

Host: Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar


8 – 4:30 pm

City Of Gatineau/City Of Ottawa Bus Tour For Newcomers

As part of Canada’s 150th celebrations, the City of Gatineau and City of Ottawa are joining together to provide a bus tour for newcomers. The tour will include a visit to some of the region’s sights, landmarks and services.

Language: Bilingual

Host: City of Gatineau and City of Ottawa

Contact: Louis Patrick Comeau,, 819-243-2345, ext. 1452. Nicole Sullivan,, 613-580-2424, ext. 44265


11 – 1 pm 

Marion Dewar Plaza, City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Indigenous Walking Tour

Guided walk through downtown Ottawa that explores monuments, landscape, architecture and artworks from an Indigenous perspective.

Language: English

Host: Indigenous Walks

Contact: Jaime Koebel,, (613) 290-8597


11:30 – 1:30 pm 

Community Hub, 400 March Road

Food and Music Festival – 150 Canada Celebration

Join us for a celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday at our Wednesday Lunch Party at the Community Hub on Legget Dr (across the street from the QNX building). There will be Food trucks, live music, free Red Bull energy drinks, and outdoor games and contests! Loads of fun to be had by all!

Language: English

Host: Kanata North Business Association

Contact: Deborah,, 613-254-8778


1 – 2 pm


Webinar: Resources and Tips to Better Prepare for your Ottawa Business

A webinar for francophone newcomers hosted by the Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO) and its partners: the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre. It provides information on preparation before arriving in Canada, integration into the Ottawa labor market and French educational resources. Questions can be submitted in advance of the webinar on the RSIFEO Facebook page.

Language: French

Host: Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO) and its partners: the Economic and Social Council of Ottawa Carleton, the Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario, and the Vanier Community Services Centre.

Contact: Edwige Affaa,, 613-715-3322.


1 – 3 pm

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre, 750 Ridgewood Avenue

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre’s Syrian Hosting Initiative: Celebration of Canada’s 150th Anniversary

This event celebrates the success of the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre’s Syrian Hosting Initiative, which connects Syrian families with local volunteers. This event will share stories of friendship, employment and inclusion and will include multicultural performances and a display of 150 pieces of art made by the initiative’s participants.

Language: English

Host: Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre

Contact: Juliette Smith,, 613-235-4875 x. 143. Jasmine Murat,, 613-235-4875 x. 115


1 – 4 pm

Jules Morin Fieldhouse, 400 Clarence Street

Lowertown Gathering for Music and Tea

This event brings Lowertown residents together to celebrate their community. Residents will perform a drumming exercise followed by a multicultural potluck.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Lowertown Community Resource Centre

Contact: Alain Lutala, and Shoon Omar,, 613-789-3930


1:30 – 3 pm
Tour starts at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West) and ends at Saint Anthony of Padua Church (427 Booth Street)

Little Italy Walk

Guided walk with Luciano Pradal throughout Little Italy to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants take a leisurely stroll down Preston Street, hearing about the Italian community and other immigrants who settled in the area. They learn about important institutions like St. Anthony’s Soccer Club and visit many landmarks. Click here for more information.

Language: French

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


5 – 7 pm

University of Ottawa, Main Campus , 75 Laurier Avenue East

Becoming Canadian and Staying Healthy: A Documentary Screening and Community Conversation

A community conversation about staying healthy as an immigrant to Ottawa. The “Healthy Immigrant Effect” will be highlighted to elicit a community dialogue on the social determinants of health. This event seeks to raise awareness about the social determinants of health and the resources that can help immigrants and refugees stay healthy, including cultural practices, family and community social networks and supports.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Loyer-DaSilva Research Chair in Public Health Nursing, University of Ottawa

Contact: Yvette Yende-Ashiri,, 613-562-5800 ext. 7072


6 – 8 pm

325 MacLaren Avenue

Immigrant Author’s Conference

Discover the world of inspiration and excellence of Abel Maxwell, an immigrant French-speaking author and artist.

Language: French

Host: RDÉE Ontario

Contact: Sandrine Ahouassou,, 613-590-2493 poste 107


6 – 8 pm

Marion Dewar Plaza, City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Indigenous Walking Tour

Guided walk through downtown Ottawa that explores monuments, landscape, architecture and artworks from an Indigenous perspective.

Language: English

Host: Indigenous Walks

Contact: Jaime Koebel,, (613) 290-8597


9:30 – 12:30 pm

La Cité College, 801, Aviation Parkway, Red Parking Lot

Guided Tour of Parliament Hill

This guided tour helps immigrants to better understand how the Canadian political system functions and its history. Email reservation is necessary as space is limited. Include your phone number and “Parlement” in the subject line of your email.

Language: French

Host: La Cité College

Contact: Denis Cloutier,


10 – 11:30 am

Tour starts at the Ottawa Chinatown Royal Arch (near Bronson Avenue and Somerset Street West intersection) and ends at the Plant Recreation Centre (930 Somerset Street West)

Chinatown Walk

Guided walk with Don Kwan throughout Chinatown to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. They learn about the multicultural village this neighbourhood has become, not only including Asian cultures, but also influences from French Canada, the Middle East, Latin America and more. Click here for more information.

Language: English

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


11 am

CHEO, 401 Smyth Road

Children for Peace

As a message of gratitude and hope, newcomer Syrian children will visit CHEO to present gifts to sick children, along with a painting for the hospital.

Language: English

Host: Humans for Peace Institution

Contact: Dr. Mohd Jamal Alsharif,, 613-869-3610


1 – 4 pm

YMCA-YWCA Employment Access Centre – Merivale 1642 Merivale Road, 2nd floor, Suite 2000

Canadian Workplace Culture Workshop

A workshop for immigrants and newcomers to learn how to succeed in the Canadian workplace by exploring different communication techniques and behavioral signals. Participants will also learn the expectations of employers in a Canadian work environment.

Language: English

Host: YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region

Contact: Marie-Eve Coghlan, Senior Director – YMCA-YWCA Employment Services,, 613-688-2150, ext. 236


1 – 3:30 pm
EDC, 150 Slater Street

Hire Immigrants Ottawa Employer Learning Forum: Accessing Global Talent Overseas or Locally

Hire Immigrants Ottawa is hosting a learning forum for employers and businesses that are interested in bringing skilled immigrants from overseas or connecting with global talent in Canada. The forum provides information on the federal Fast Track and Express Entry programs and how to access the pool of global talent in Canada.

Language: English

Host: Hire Immigrants Ottawa

Contact: Lorena Costa,, 613-228-6715


2 – 5 pm
219 Argyle Avenue, Room 113, Ottawa

Embracing the Canadian Identity

The Settlement Department of the Catholic Centre for Immigrants is hosting an event for its clients. Focusing on newcomers and immigrants, it includes guest speakers on citizenship, opportunities for sharing new Canadian’s success stories and information booths.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Catholic Centre for Immigrants

Contact: Maria Teresa Garcia, 613-232-9634, ext. 337, Mussie Habte, 613-232-9634 ext. 346


6 – 8 pm

Sandy Hill Community Center, 250 Somerset St E

Celebrating a Welcoming Canada at 150: Building Cultural Bridges with Syrian Refugees

During this cross-cultural event, Syrian refugees will introduce various components of their culture such as music, dance and food. They will share their success stories and how they are able to integrate and contribute to Canadian society, and particularly Ottawa. Refugee sponsors will also share their experiences in hosting Syrian families.

Language: English

Host: Staying in Touch, Connecting, Integrating: Social Media Use of Newly Arrived Syrian Refugee Youth in Canada – and le Groupe de recherche sur la diversité et l’équité (GRDE), University of Ottawa

Contact: Dr. Rukhsana Ahmed, Department of Communication, University of Ottawa, 613-562-5800, ext. 3834, Radamis Zaky. Member of the Refugee Outreach Committee, St. Joseph’s Parish,, 613-712-0134.


7 – 8 pm

Tour starts at Bingham Park (145 Cathcart Street) and ends at Tucker’s Marketplace, 61 York Street

Lowertown West Walk

Guided walk with Vincent Bergeron throughout Lowertown West to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants walk though this vibrant neighbourhood to learn about the evolving social history, architecture and commerce and how this area was the heart of early Bytown (Ottawa’s original name). Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: French

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


2 – 3:30 pm

Tour starts at Jules Morin Park (400 Clarence Street) and ends at the Rideau Bakery, 384 Rideau Street

Lowertown East Walk

Guided walk with Marc Farine throughout Lowertown East to learn about the contribution of immigrant communities to the neighbourhood, along with its history, people and vibrant culture. Participants learn about how French, Eastern European and Jewish immigrants transformed this neighbourhood. They visit schools, bakeries, restaurants and religious institutions that have been influenced by successive cohorts of immigrants. Part of a series of Immigrant Heritage Walking Tours organized by OLIP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Heritage Ottawa and the City of Ottawa. Click here for more information.

Language: French

Contact: Philippe Dieudonne,, 613-413-9379


10 –  12 pm

Impact Hub Ottawa, 123 Slater Street, 6th floor

Panel Discussion: Understanding How To Welcome Newcomers

This session will focus on welcoming efforts in Ottawa: what is being done at this time, what resources front-line workers need and how we, collectively, can improve our welcoming efforts. As part of the event, we have invited an array of individuals who work directly or indirectly with newcomers in order to facilitate these life-altering events. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges of resettling in Ottawa with front-line workers and resettlement champions from our community

Language: Bilingual

Host: City Councillor Catherine McKenney and Impact Hub Ottawa

Contact: Catherine Lalonde,, 613-580-2424 ext. 27428


5 – 7 pm

1800 Bank Street, 3rd floor

Stories of Newcomer Youth – An Arts Showcase

Open to all ages, the YOCISO Newcomer Youth Centre’s event features visual art displays, photo voice display, performances by newcomer youth and the YOCISO/CCR Newcomer Youth Civic Engagement Project video “Newcomer Youth Voice”.

Language: English


Contact: Christy Etienne,, 613-725-5671 ext. 346


4:30 – 6:30 pm

Ken Steele Park (at the corner of Ogilvie Road and the Aviation Parkway

Sports Tournament

A sports tournament that brings together newcomers with the community.

Language: French

Host: Conseil Économique et Social d’Ottawa Carleton

Contact: Francoise Magunira,, 613-248-1343, 613-795-5181


4 – 4:30 pm

Canadian Museum of History, 100 Laurier Street, Gatineau

Syrian Culture

A presentation of Syrian cultural art and music as part of Canada Day celebrations.

Language: Bilingual

Host: Humans for Peace Institution

Contact: Dr. Mohd Jamal Alsharif,, 613-869-3610